How Bad is Restaurant Food For You?

How Bad is Restaurant Food For You?

There’s no questioning the fact that the foods you eat go far in determining how quickly you’ll meet your fitness goals. And if you’re eating a number of your meals out at restaurants then you’re going to want to keep reading because the average restaurant meal contains more than 1,200 calories. Most people have no idea just how fattening restaurant entrées are. In fact, the following information may shock you....

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The Snack Trap

The Snack Trap

We’ve all heard that snacking is great for the metabolism…but have you taken it too far? In other words, your excessive snacking may be killing your fitness results. Let’s face it, there are only so many extra calories that the body can take before it adds those on as unwanted fat. Even if you’re eating perfectly healthy meals and putting in your time at the gym, if your snacking is out of control then your...

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