7 Steps to Guilt-Free Desserts
Desserts are a delicious and fun part of life that most of us enjoy. That is until you start working towards a fat loss goal. Then dessert becomes the enemy that pops up at birthday parties and get-togethers in the form of cake, cookies, cupcakes and candy, tempting you to give in. So what do you do? Give up desserts forever? No way! Taking a zero-dessert stance can be risky because it increases your chances that the large slice of...
When the Number on Your Scale Won’t Budge
If losing fat were easy then we’d all look like fitness models, right? Unfortunately, the fat loss game is more frustrating than most care to admit. The scale quickly becomes a dreaded enemy—a constant bearer of bad news. If the number on your scale won’t budge then read on for an explanation: Possibility #1: You’re Not Eating Enough Calories This only happens in cases of severe calorie restriction, so don’t...
The Stress Factor
I didn’t forget about the elephant in the room…your stress levels. Sure, life can be overwhelming and stressful, but understand that mismanaged stress will have a negative impact on your hormones, which can promote fat storage. Find ways to relax every day, in order to give your body a break from ‘fight or flight’ mode. Your scale will thank you! Read Companion Articles: When the Number on Your Scale...
The Best Way to Get Fit
Talk to 10 people and you’ll get 10 different opinions on the best way to get fit. One will tell you to attend an aerobics class. Another will swear by jogging. Yet another will tell you that dance and biking worked for them. The truth is that there’s really only one effective way to get fit. Before I get into the details, it’s important that we agree on the definition of ‘fit’. Too often skinny is...
How to Stay Fit on Vacation
Leaving town for a summer get-away? If you’re not careful your trip will quickly turn into a fat trap. I don’t want your fitness results to disappear before you return home. Keep reading for my 2 simple steps to avoid the dreaded vacation fat trap. There are plenty of strategies and techniques out there for staying fit on vacation, but most are fairly complicated. I’m not going to give you a list of 27 things to...
Not Just Diet
Have you ever tried to reduce body fat by dieting alone? It’s frustrating isn’t it? Exercise has been proven to increase your metabolism for hours on end. Regular exercise also builds muscle, which increases your resting metabolism, making you leaner. Dieting alone could never do that for you. Read Companion Articles: Sesame Chicken Salad How To Stay Fit on Vacation...
Motivation vs Habit
I recently heard a quote that’s worth sharing: Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going. This is very true. When you first start an exercise program you are filled with motivation. It’s what got you into the gym in the first place. It’s what gets you up out of bed and into your workout gear in the morning. But what about when that motivation starts to fade? This is when habit takes the...
Replace Your Trigger Foods
Many people who struggle with their weight feel powerless to cravings. Have you ever experienced this? When the urge to eat something bad comes over so strongly that you feel you have no choice but to give in? Then, when it’s over, you feel awful that you’ve eaten all those calories and set yourself up for further weight gain. So you’re good for a couple of days until another craving comes over you…and so the cycle...