Blame Yourself for Being Out of Shape?
Question for you…whose fault is it that you’re out of shape? If you go by what you see in the media then you probably believe that it’s anyone’s fault but yours. The big diet companies think that if they put the blame on you, then you wouldn’t buy their bogus pills. So they put the blame on your cortisol levels, your fast food diet, or your busy schedule instead of where it belongs – which is squarely on your shoulders....
5 Weight Loss Mistakes Healthy People Make
You’re probably not the kind of person who makes many mistakes. And certainly not stupid ones. In fact, I’m guessing you are probably healthier than the average person. You may exercise regularly. You watch what you eat for the most part. You keep up on the latest health concerns. You don’t stuff down snacks and sugar. And you never eat fast food. Well, almost never. 🙂 But you do have a few unhealthy skeletons in your closet, ones...
Do You Believe These Fitness Myths?
Some fitness myths just won’t lay over and die. These fibs are passed from one person to the next, a little piece of misinformation setting you up for failure. Maybe you’ve heard some of them… There’s the one myth about situps melting off your belly fat. I’m sorry folks, spot reduction is a myth. You’ve got to burn fat from your body as a whole unit. Then there’s the one that says that the faster you perform an exercise...
#1 Fitness Tip for Achieving Your Goals
The following fitness tip is so elementary and yet it makes all of the difference when it comes to your fitness results… The sad reality is that over 90 percent of gym goers fail to achieve their goal—even after a full year of consistently exercising. Perhaps you can relate? It shouldn’t be this way. I believe that you deserve to get the best results possible from the time that you invest in exercise. The simple fitness...
Weight Loss Sabotage: Active vs. Fit
When it comes to excuses for not exercising, I have heard everything.. Sometimes the excuse is external: I don’t have the time. Other times it’s pure procrastination: I’m going to start as soon as tax season is over. And then there are excuses that are downright humorous: I don’t like sweating. I politely point out to these well-meaning excuse makers that even though they don’t want to do it, exercise is a vital part of...
Why You Sabotage Your Weight Loss
And here’s how to put an end to it. You know the ‘how-to’ of fat loss-eat healthy and exercise-so why are you still living in a body that you’re unhappy with? In my experience, people carry ‘unwanted’ pounds for very specific reasons. These reasons are subconscious, which is where things get tricky. Self-sabotage is your subconscious way of protecting yourself. Sounds crazy, but it makes sense when you realize that it is a...
Lifestyle Change Commitment
These five lifestyle changes aren’t always easy to make and change won’t happen overnight. Chances are, you’ll have occasional setbacks. But don’t give up. Each day is a new beginning, and it starts out with no mistakes in it. Begin each morning with the resolve to not only stick with your healthy eating habits, but your lifestyle changes as well.
5 Lifestyle Mistakes that Sabotage Weight Loss
Want an easier way to lose fat? Stop starving yourself, counting calories, or eliminating your favorite food groups. Those extreme techniques only burn you out and leave you more frustrated than ever. I bet if I sat on your shoulder and watched your daily routine, I would be able to identify at least 5 areas where you could make simple changes that effortlessly help you lose unwanted pounds. Because the truth is that real fat loss...