21 Motivating Reasons to Exercise Regularly
Today I’m writing to motivate you to take action. I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to your body. I know all about your insecurities over the size of your thighs and how hopeless that can feel. The answer to your body frustrations is to get you up off the couch and into the gym, day after day. So here’s my pep talk in bullet form—21 rewards that you will gain from regular exercise. Do yourself a favor and...
It’s Really Simple, But Works Like Magic
This article is only for those who are completely fed up with trying to lose fat and inches through diet and exercise… You’re probably thinking: What’s the deal? Why won’t the weight come off? You are doing everything you can think of to make it happen. There’s one simple thing standing between you and a slimmed down, amazingly fit body. One. Simple. Thing. And here it is… drum roll please… You eat too many calories. That’s it. ...
7 Fat Loss Myths Debunked
Everywhere you turn there’s another headline about how to lose weight and shave off fat. Many of these eye-catching headlines are myths, plain and simple. And if you’re not careful, they can suck you in and spit you out, without helping you lose any weight at all. What myths are out there waiting to trick you? Here are seven that you’re most likely to come up against. Fat Loss Myth #1: You Need to Work Out Every Day A little bit of...
Why You’re Gaining Weight (and how to stop it)
Tired of gaining weight? Of course you are – none of us enjoy it when the number on our scale begins to climb. So why are you gaining that extra weight now? That is a valid and frustrating question. And the answer is often found in recent changes in your life. According to Edward Abramson, Ph.D. the author of Emotional Eating, “Any change in your life circumstances can produce changes in eating and exercise, which leads to weight...
7 Ways to Avoid Falling Off the Healthy Eating Wagon
Whether you’ve been riding the healthy eating wagon for a week or a decade, staying on can be difficult. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can hold on. Keep reading to learn seven ways to protect yourself against the temptation to fall—or even jump off of the healthy eating wagon—on a daily basis. 1. Don’t Starve Yourself Eating is a basic human need. Cut your calories in half over night or slash any specific food group out...
7 Excuses That Prevent Weight Loss
Have you ever wondered how some people are able to maintain amazing bodies while you struggle with your weight? They make it seem so easy to achieve and maintain results. What do they know that you don’t? When you boil it down, the answer is quite simple. The missing link between you and your ideal body is your go-to list of excuses. Start with an excuse and expect to be excused from losing weight. Here are seven excuses that have...
7 Ways to Burn More Fat
Ready to burn your way to a leaner you? Dropping fat tends to be a tedious process that’s slow and steady. There are, however, 7 ways to add an extra boost to your results. Keep reading to find out how… Boost Your Burn #1: Track Everything Counting calories, weighing out food portions, and keeping tabs on how far and fast you run isn’t the most exciting thing to do. But if you want to burn more fat, you need to do it. Without...
5 Big Benefits of Fat Loss
Almost every new client comes to me with the desire to lose fat – for a variety of reasons. The most prevailing reason that I hear is that they want to look more fit and attractive as a result of the fat loss. Maybe losing fat in order to look better is a strong enough motivator for you, but I’ve found that most people need something more compelling. My experience with helping my clients achieve their fat loss goals has really opened...