How to Crush Those Last 10 lbs of Weight Loss

How to Crush Those Last 10 lbs of Weight Loss

Got a frustrating few pounds left?  You’ve been on point with your fitness, getting into your workouts and eating cleaner than ever before. Initially the weight fell off, and it motivated you to keep it up. But now your results have stopped dead in their tracks. You’re still doing all that hard work, but it’s no longer showing in pounds lost, inches shed and compliments gained. What gives? It’s pretty frustrating....

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The Big Secret to Losing Fat, Getting Lean and Looking Amazing

The Big Secret to Losing Fat, Getting Lean and Looking Amazing

Sure, you do your best to eat healthy and live a fit and active lifestyle, but you’re still not satisfied with your body. Day after day of eating salads and hitting the gym and your body isn’t changing. It’s frustrating. And yet there are people, whom you know personally, with phenomenal bodies and very little body fat. What are they doing differently than you? You work out and eat healthy too! Why doesn’t your body look like theirs?...

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Vacation Proof Your Diet

Vacation Proof Your Diet

You don’t need another article that’s going to tell you the same old advice about eating healthy on vacation. “Watch your portions!” “Pack some snacks!” “Pick a cheat day!” You’ve heard it all before. And yet every year you go away for a fun vacation, get carried away at the buffet, and come back 3 to 5 pounds heavier than when you left. It sure would be nice to find a diet plan that would work 365 days per year. A plan that would...

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Undo the Bad Weekend of Indulgence (48 hour recovery)

Undo the Bad Weekend of Indulgence (48 hour recovery)

What a weekend that was! You went out, you ate and drank and had a blast! And now the fun is over and the consequences are setting in…you feel terrible. You woke up with a headache, an overall feeling of bloating and a sluggishness that you can’t shake. It’s time to undo the damage brought on from that epic weekend. Here’s how… 1. No More Junk! It may sound obvious, but the first step to recovering from all that fun you had is to stop...

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7 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

7 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Weight

Weight loss is often a frustrating pursuit, eluding even those who eat healthy and exercise. So what gives? Why won’t the scale budge even as you put out tremendous effort? Read on for the 7 reasons that most fitness and health food lovers don’t lose the pounds that they want to… 1. You Don’t Sleep Enough Let’s start with the most rampant problem standing in the way of your fat loss. Most adults simply do not get adequate sleep to...

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Lean for Life: 5 Ways to Lose Weight for Good

Lean for Life: 5 Ways to Lose Weight for Good

It’s easy enough to lose a few pounds for a short period of time, only to gain it back. It’s much harder to achieve long-term fat loss. However, you know people who appear to be permanently in beach-ready shape, so it is possible to be lean for life. This begs the question: how can you lose the weight for good? The answer to this quandary is not found in a single habit or action, but rather in the following 5 Lean for Life Habits…...

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Weight Loss Before and After Pictures

Weight Loss Before and After Pictures

There are few things as inspirational as a stunning weight loss before and after picture. To see how the human body can dramatically transform is simply incredible! Have you ever thought about creating your own before and after picture? While the initial photos are certainly not fun to take, I’d like to share why I believe this is just what you’ve been missing to achieve the fit body you’ve always wanted. Here’s why you should take...

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Why Did You Do That?

Why Did You Do That?

Have you ever acted against your better judgment? Ummmm, of course you have. We all have. Sometimes you do things that you later regret. And this keeps you from achieving that lean, sexy body that you want. You hit snooze rather than waking up early to exercise before work. You blow off your healthy eating plan to indulge in a hamburger and fries. You start an exercise program only to drop out two weeks into it. These regrettable...

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