Eat Healthy and Exercise: Choose Hard Now or Hard Later
Let’s face it, getting and staying fit and healthy is hard work. There’s all the effort that you have to put out in making wholesome meals. There’s the will power that you must muster in avoiding unhealthy (TASTY!) foods. There’s the energy that it takes to get out of bed early to get in a workout before the day begins. There’s the struggle to lace up your shoes at the end of a long day to head out and be active rather than diving...
How to CRUSH a Fitness Challenge
One of the best ways to make a dramatic improvement in your body and your fitness level is to participate in a challenge. It is a chance to take a hard look at where you currently stand with your weight and conditioning, and to set a goal with an end date for making big changes and progress. It’s your opportunity to produce really impressive “before” and “after” photos. Do you have what it takes to stick with a challenge all the way...
The Bad Week
Once in a while you are going to have a bad week. Your nutrition will be off, your workouts will be weak, and your head will not be in the game. That’s OK. Remember that you are human, and that sometimes your body needs a little break. The key is to take care of yourself in that moment, to not let yourself stray too far off your fitness plan during the time of rest, and to then get yourself back on track next week. Many people allow a...
This Is What Changes With Your Health When You Exercise
Sometimes I feel like a broken record… You’re always hearing from me how important exercise is to your health and how so many of your health problems will improve or even disappear as the result of a consistent exercise program. Why do I continue to give you the same lecture? Because I’ve seen exercise change lives. I’ve even seen exercise save lives. Here are the Top 4 Health Improvement Factors that come as a result of...
Getting Fired Up To Lose Weight and Get Fit
An authentic surge of motivation will change your life immediately. The best part of my day is seeing clients just like you achieve amazing results. Whether you drop a few sizes, lose the baby weight, get off your blood pressure meds, or shrink your waist, the excitement is always contagious. It’s hard to describe that euphoria that settles in once you’ve achieved your fitness goal. It’s one of those things that you have to experience...
Don’t Fall For Fitness Trends
Do you keep up with new trends in the world of fitness? There always seems to be a headline proclaiming the latest and greatest trend, each promising to be the solution that you’ve always needed. Of course, these trends pass with the seasons quickly being replaced with something newer and more popular. Today I’d like you to consider the only trend that really matters to your health and fitness progress: the trend of your own behavior....
The Single Best Way To Achieve Your Weight Loss & Fitness Goals
We are living in a have it all, have it now world. Access to anything you desire is literally a key stroke away. There’s one-click ordering. There’s food delivery in 30 minutes or less. There’s credit available with the swipe of a card. More so than any time in history, we have forgotten the art of sacrifice. Can you blame us? Mainstream marketing tells us hundreds of times each day that we should have it all, and that we should have...
Have a goal? Here’s how to meet it.
Do you have a specific fitness goal that you are hoping to achieve? This goal could be a number on the scale, or a clothing size. Or maybe you are hoping to wear a certain cut or style of clothes like strappy tank tops, shorts, or a bathing suit. While having this goal is great, it will NOT guarantee success. You knew that, though, because this isn’t the first time that you’ve had a fitness goal. A goal that you didn’t meet. In fact,...