Don’t Believe These 5 Strength Training Myths

Don’t Believe These 5 Strength Training Myths

I’ve got to warn you, there are myths still going around about strength training. Nothing irks me more than when good people are misled by fitness myths.  These myths sabotage results and keep people miles from their goal weight. So I’ve got to warn you about the bogus rumors going around about strength training. I don’t want to see you held captive by a faulty belief. The truth is that strength training is one of the absolute best...

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It’s Time to Update Your Outdated Exercise Routine

Have you ever wondered if those minutes you spend in the gym are burning fat or just time? Unfortunately if you are like 80% of gym-goers, time is the primary thing you’re burning. I find it shocking that so many well-meaning folks are still exercising with such outdated notions of what constitutes an effective workout. I don’t want that to be you. Here are the top 3 outdated, time-burning exercise techniques to NOT DO: 1)...

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5 Exercise Myths That Keep You Fat

5 Exercise Myths That Keep You Fat

There are plenty of exercise misconceptions out in the world, some of which may be holding you back from your best body. Do the following 5 exercise myths sound familiar? This may be exactly what you need to hear. 1) Exercise on an empty stomach burns more fat. This theory says that if there’s no fuel in your body to burn then you’ll end up burning fat, but research has proven otherwise. Instead of pulling the energy from...

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